Saturday, August 12, 2017
“A concentration camp is the complete obliteration of privacy…." - Milan Kundera
“A concentration camp is the complete obliteration of privacy…." - Milan Kundera“-concentration-camp-complete-obliteration-privacy…-milan-kundera
“A concentration camp is the complete obliteration of privacy…a world in which people live crammed together constantly, night and day. Brutality and violence are secondary, and not the least indispensable characteristics.”
–Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
One evening while streaming video on the internet I came across the film, The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988), and decided to watch it again since it has been a number of years since my first viewing of the film. Sometimes there are story details missed in the first viewing, and subplots become clearer with a second viewing. Film versions of novels are notorious for short changing literary works and Czech writer Milan Kundera’s 1984 book, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, is a classic example.
The novel is not only about the love affair between the main characters, Tomas, a Czech surgeon and intellectual, and his wife, Tereza. There are other themes and one important element of the novel is its historical setting within the repressive government of Czechoslovakia in 1968 after the old Soviet Union invaded Prague. Milan Kundera is a Czech writer who went into exile in 1975 and later became a French citizen . He had been expelled from the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia twice for his political opinions. Consequently, Kundera has some knowledge of how a totalitarian society works. Kundera’s novel, Lightness of Being, was published in 1984, the same year as George Orwell’s famous dystopian novel title, Nineteen Eighty Four. The experience of living in the repressive Soviet Czechoslovakia finds its way into the novel in a greater way than in the film version.
While researching this aspect of the novel, I came across a 10-hour audiobook version of novel, The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984) audiobook on Youtube. So I began listening to the audio version of the book and came across a particularly interesting chapter (starting at 5:35:00 to 6:13:00) describing the interrogation of Tomas by Czech agents concerning an anti-government letter he wrote to a weekly newspaper editor shortly before the Soviet invasion. Kundera’s description of the interrogation by a Czech government agent is very revealing of his experience and is worth listening to because Americans are currently under assault by a sophisticated security state propaganda campaign determined to invade the privacy of every American citizen even more than it already has in the recent past.
The power gained by the private-state intelligence agencies just by weakling citizen privacy is immense. Most Americans do not know how effective an interrogation can be. Those that believe, “I have nothing to fear, because I have done nothing wrong” are the best subjects to interrogate because they can be led deep down the interrogation path before they even realize they are in serious trouble. Some may think they can outsmart a trained interrogator, but even a person as intelligent as theoretical physicist, J. Robert Oppenheimer, fell victim to his FBI interrogators as they utterly destroyed him professionally and spiritually.
I recommend listening to the audiobook section referred to above, but here are some general observations about how a lack of privacy gives tremendous power to an interrogator within any government whether it is democratic or not.
- Subtle threat to one’s employment and occupation is often used to create pressure on the interrogated to cooperate. Initial contact with the interrogated is sometimes through friends, coworkers, or employer to exert pressure to cooperate.
- False promises may be made that any confession will be kept secret, and is merely a bureaucratic office issue. Any embarrassing information may not even be intended for use, but its coercive power comes from the interrogated person’s knowledge that private information could potentially be made public. Such persons then self censor out of fear.
- Regardless of how you feel about others’ view of you, you are at the mercy of public opinion and this has profound consequences. You may not have as many friends as you once thought.
- One form of punishment for not cooperating with interogators is underemployment. Tomas refused to cooperate and was demoted from surgeon, to general practitioner, and finally to window washer. He was given a chance to cooperate with each demotion until it did not matter. The same persons responsible for the demotions will flatter the interrogated, or present rationalizations for your behavior to offer a way out of the situation.
- Every word in an interrogation could put persons you know in danger, and if you lie to protect them, you may just be putting a total stranger in danger. The interrogator may be more than eager to accept a surrogate dissident as a substitute sacrifice, or simply expand the investigation’s scope.
- The ‘tell the truth’ moral imperative taught to us as children is continually used by the interrogator to invoke guilt, but the interrogator has no obligation to tell the interrogated the truth. You may not know what laws you are breaking if you lie in an interrogation, or simply was wrong about a fact by mistake. Attorney Harvey A. Silvergate wrote in his book, “Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent,” that the average American commits at least three felonies a day. Nobody really knows how many laws there are in the United States legal system. Attorneys have attempted to count all Federal Laws (not even including local municipal codes) and found there are about 10,000 to 300,000 regulations that carry the force of federal criminal law. Chances are you do not know all the relevant laws.
- A statement, loyalty oath, or confession an interrogator himself authored to be signed will always be presented as the interrogated person’s statement, loyalty oath, or confession.
There are three functions of the secret police:
- Intimidate citizens to control their behavior and make them afraid,
- Report what people are saying,
- Entrap persons in illegal activity to force collaboration and then set traps for others to create still more informants.
Many Americans are complacent and apathetic as the US intelligence security state works to weaken privacy laws and join forces with private corporations to track all Americans’ phone communications, social media activity, and internet financial activity. Some Americans are even in support such widespread surveillance, but they have no idea what they are getting into by opening this Pandora’s box of unlimited police power.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Friday, July 20, 2012
CounterColumn News Ticker...
Spiderman Promoters Trumped ...
"Your Move, Paramount ..."
BLOOMBERG: "I blame those 24-ounce sodas at the snack bar ..."
NEA Approves Shooter's Grant Application ...
Florida DA Charges Victims With "2nd Degree Loitering" ...
DC Comics Spokesman: DC Is a Comic Company of Peace! There Is No Reason To Hold All DC Comics Fans Responsible for this Shooting ...
Obama Campaing Releases Ad Linking Bain Capital to Shooting..
Calls to Ban Gas Masks ...
CNN Reaffirms Colorado Springs Rating as Among America's "Best Places to Live ..."
Ratings Plummet ...
Napolitano Directs TSA to Strip-Search Child Victims ...
Dept. of the Interior C-130 Douses Scene with Fire Retardant ...
Developing ...
Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012
More on Bullygate
Friday, May 04, 2012
Friday, February 03, 2012
Planned Parenthood vs. Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Susan G. Komen for the Cure sparked a controversy when they announced they were pulling their $600,000 annual grant to Planned Parenthood, claiming that a new internal rule adopted by the Komen board stated they can’t fund organizations that are currently under a congressional investigation. Planned Parenthood was the only charity currently receiving funds that fell into that category, so they felt singled out and objected – claiming that the Komen foundation’s decision was politically motivated and that the real issue was – que’lle surprise! – abortion.
Hilarity ensued.
Planned Parenthood supporters furiously accused Susan G. Komen for the Cure of making a principled stand. Meanwhile, fueled by Facebook, Twitter, blogs, other social media, Komen’s fundraising more than doubled in the days following the announcement, in what the media described as a severe anti-Komen backlash.
At stake, of course, was more than 0.6 percent of Planned Parenthood’s budget for the year. Planned Parenthood executives announced that without this funding, either they would have to collect another $1.75 for every abortion performed, or women would be denied mammograms.
Naturally, they were leaning towards getting out of the mammogram business. Which – of course, it turned out they already were: A pro-life activist recently called up 30 different Planned Parenthood facilities around the country, recording the results. All 30 facilities informed her that Planned Parenthood didn’t do mammograms.
Not to worry: Planned Parenthood supporters rode to the rescue – led by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. As a billionaire himself, and founder of the Bloomberg media empire, Mayor Bloomberg – a ferocious 2nd amendment opponent and the man who thinks government should be free to dictate your choice in French fries, pledged to donate $250,000 to demonstrate his commitment to a woman’s right to choose.
For its part, Susan G. Komen for the Cure was stung by the allegation that its decision to withdraw funding from Planned Parenthood may have secretly been rooted in principle. So about 48 hours after making the announcement that they would no longer provide funding to Planned Parenthood, the female-dominated leadership at Susan G. Komen for the Cure announced that they had changed their mind.
The decision was reversed, and Komen announced its commitment to continuing their “treasured relationship” with Planned Parenthood. So Susan G. Komen donors, regardless of their feelings on abortion, will still send $600,000 per year to an organization that doesn’t even do mammograms.
Labels: Abortion, cancer, charities, finance, health care, Politics, women
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Great Moments in Journalism History...
According to the Pentagon, Atwater carries the rank of specialist first class and is based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. His service awards include the Bronze Star and the Army Commendation Medal.
Specialist first class???
Labels: CNN, Columbia Journalism Review, Humor, Media
Monday, December 19, 2011
Pepsi to Change Can Design
The backstory is this: There is a whole subversive element in Middle Eastern marketing and branding, where product designers will take very subtle digs at the West. Call them Muslim "dog whistles" if you will.
I've seen Iraqis openly selling gifts in their markets commemorating the 9/11 attacks. One example I saw was a cigarette lighter that contained a depiction of a jet flying into two office towers, and a red LED that lit up at the point of impact when you used the lighter. It was in cast metal. So somewhere someone had set up a small factory making these things.
I think there's room for plausible denial on this specific can. It's certainly not the only modernist depiction of a skyline. All that's missing is the "Atomic" symbol!
Now, here's my question for Pepsi: What? American design firms can't design your can? You went cheap and went for the foreign outsourcing.
But even assuming the best of the South African design firm, an American marketing agency likely would not have made a design so evocative of 9/11.
Hope you enjoyed the little bit of money you saved by sending the American job overseas.
Splash, out
Labels: 9/11, Arabs, Branding, marketing, Media
Friday, October 21, 2011
Great Moments in CNN History
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Occupy Portland Protesters Deface War Memorial
The photo was taken on the morning of the 13th of October.
Don't you dare question their patriotism!
Splash, out
Labels: culture, liberals, Occupy Wall Street, protesters, The Left
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Countercolumn News Ticker
Area Fire Department Chief Ordered To Lay Off 20 Percent of His Cousins ...
Labels: Countercolumn News Ticker, Humor, News Tickers
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
"Jews Should Be Sterilized," Says Sarah Grunfeld
Sunday, August 07, 2011
The name's Bond.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Countercolumn News Ticker
Breaking ...
Labels: Countercolumn News Ticker, Humor
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Countercolumn News Ticker
Architect of 900 Billion Stimulus, Universal Health Care and Chrystler Bailout Calls for Fiscal Responsibility ...
Amy Winehouse Passes Away Behind Schedule ...
Flowers From Society of Actuaries Arrived 2 Weeks Early ...
Oslo Killings Bring Merciful Early Relief From Norwegian Cuisine For 94 People ...
Hollywood Expresses Interest in Oslo Gunman ...
Rutger Hauer Sues Shooter For Trademark Infringement ...
ELCA, Missouri Synod Lutherans Blame Each Other For Deaths ...
NYT Editorial: Bachman Refuses To Denounce Lutheran Ties
Swedish Chef Breaks Silence: "Fyordni Hordni Hollni Fordni Bork BANG! BANG! BANG! ..."
World Sends Condolences, Giant Casserole ...
Despite All-Gay Softball League, GLBT Vows Not To Shut The Fuck Up About the Boy Scouts ...
Sexual Assaults Plummet As NFL Players Head Back To Work ...
Developing ...
Labels: Humor, News Tickers
Monday, June 06, 2011
Great commotion in the 'Secret Annexe'! Would the long-awaited liberation that has been talked of so much but which still seems too wonderful, too much like a fairy-tale, ever come true? Could we be granted victory this year, 1944? We don't know yet, but hope is revived within us; it gives us fresh courage, and makes us strong again."
Anne Frank, diary entry, June 6, 1944.
Labels: Anne Frank, D-Day, history, Holocaust, Judaism, WWII
Friday, December 24, 2010
Oiche Nollaig. Christmas Eve.
Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.
Much love to all.
Splash, out
Labels: Christianity, Christmas, Jesus, personal
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Liveblogging the SOTU
9:21 You cut taxes? No. You FAILED to raise the health care tax, thanks to the Republicans.
9:23 Biden's pretty distracting. He should have been coached to sit still.
9:23 He's doubling down on the Crapulus Bill?
9:24 Apparently he's still under the impression that government creates jobs rather than moves them around.
9:30 The business tax credit is a good idea. Where was this idea a year ago? Oh, that's right. No bandwidth for it. The Administration had to focus on a massive socialist takeover of the health care bill.
9:30 Calling for a focus on jobs in 2010? That should have been the focus since day one!!!!
9:30 "I do not accept second place for the United States of America." So why all the damn apologizing, Mr. "No Nation Can Or Should Dominate Another."
9:33 "I'm not interested in punishing banks." (cough) BULLSHIT (cough).
9:33 Now he's pitted his Administration against the lobbyists. Code word for banks. TOLD you it was bullshit!!!!!
9:36 New nuclear plants and offshore driling. Is it just me or is Nancy Pelosi visibly pained at those words.
9:38 The more exports we sell, the more jobs we will support at home. That's why I want to double our exports!!!!!
How? By spending so damn much the dollar will become worthless!!! Neat trick, huh? Who could compete with us?
9:41 "A high school diploma no longer guarantees a good job." Who was under the illusion that it ever did.
9:42 Let's give families 10,000 in tax credits for college, and increased pell grants. I see tuitions rising 10,000 very quickly.
9:42 Wow. Let's help students pay off student loans if they go into government service. That way,
9:43 I am not a homeowner. If Obama is deliberately working to raise home prices, he is going directly to work against me.
9:44" We still need health insurance reform." Slow learner, huh!
9:47 "I take my share of the blame for not explaining (health reform) to the American people." Christ, this guy's delusional. The more he explained it, and the more Americans understood it, the more we didn't want that shit.
9:48 "As temperatures cool, I want everyone to take a second look." HELL NO!!!!
9:49 He's throwing out the "bring down the deficit" strawman. There is no way that reform nightmare would have brought down the deficit long term. Only a pathological liar could possibly argue otherwise. This should be obvious to anyone with half a brain.
9:51 Blaming the prior administration. DRINK.
9:52 Obama criticized McCain for proposing a freeze. Said McCain wanted to use a hatchet, but he wanted to use a scalpel. Then he spent like a drunken sailor. Now he's pulling out the hatchet.
9:55 "That's how budgeting works." ROFL!!!!!!!! "Let me show you how it's done, son!!" FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAART!!!!!!
9:56 "That's what we did for eight years." Blaming the previous administration. DRINK.
9:57 "To do our work openly." Like put the health care negotiations on C-SPAN?
9:58 "We've excluded lobbyists from policy-making jobs." HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
9:58 What part of "Congress shall make no law" don't you understand Mr. President?
9:59 Obama just challenged Congress to put earmark requests on line prior to votes. Nancy Pelosi stood up and clapped like a seal again. (DRINK). She's got a huge majority. Think it'll happen? No. What a lying hypocrite she is. Hold her feet to the fire.
10:03 I love it when the Republican minority says "no" to Pelosi and Reid's policy initiatives. THAT'S leadership!!!
10:05 Will he mention victory?
10:06 We're plugging gaps discovered by the Christmas attack. But we still have the same incompetent Director of Homeland Security.
10:07 "We will have all our combat troops out of Iraq by the end of this August." Betcha we won't.
10:08 The new Montgomery GI bill is a lot better. I'll give them that. The VA has a long way to go.
10:09 Oooh. Good luck getting the Norks and Iranians to play along with the promised nuclear anti-proliferation protocols.
10:11. Good job. Stick to your guns on the Iranians. I hope it means something. The problem is, I don't think this president has much credibility in the Iranian halls of power. Bowing to Arabs doesn't help his stature among Persians.
10:12 "That's why we stand with the girl who yearns to go to school in Haiti." Heh. I thought he was going to say "the girl who urinates."
10:14 Taking aim at the prohibition on gays in the military. That's a 2nd term project, though. Not a first-term.
10:15 "Immigrants from every corner of the globe. Like me for instance. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
10:21 That was it? That's the SOTU? Double exports and freeze spending? This is OBAMA???????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
10:22 Is it just me? or did nearly every SOTU I've ever seen get more applause than this one? This seems anti-climatic. Like the home team lost the game and everyone's looking to leave the parking lot before the rush.
Labels: liveblogging, Obama, Politics
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Arizona Mayo Clinic Dropping Medicare Patients
The Mayo Clinic, praised by President Barack Obama as a national model for efficient health care, will stop accepting Medicare patients as of tomorrow at one of its primary-care clinics in Arizona, saying the U.S. government pays too little.
Health care providers have been squawking about low medicare reimbursement rates for years, and it's getting harder and harder for medicare patients to find providers. What was fascinating to me, though, is the sheer arrogance and denial coming from the White House and from their fellow leftist morons, the Urban Institute:
Reid Cherlin, a White House spokesman for health care, declined comment on Mayo’s decision to drop Medicare primary care patients at its Glendale clinic.
Funny, the White House was full of praise for their low-cost, high-quality, highly-efficient health care before. Cat got your tongue? Can't figure out why this might be happening?
Robert Berenson, a fellow at the Urban Institute’s Health Policy Center in Washington, D.C., said physicians’ claims of inadequate reimbursement are overstated.
No, libtard. They're not. If they were overstated, doctors would still be seeing these patients. It is patently obvious for anyone who's not dribble-down-his-chin, charter-member-of-the-smaller-bus-club stupid that reimbursement rates do not reflect what the market will bear.
Rather, the program faces a lack of medical providers because not enough new doctors are becoming family doctors, internists and pediatricians who oversee patients’ primary care.
And why might that be, genius? Could the fact that medicare and medicaid underpay our family care doctors, internists and pediatricians so that the fields are no longer attractive to our medical school students?
“Some primary care doctors don’t have to see Medicare patients because there is an unlimited demand for their services,” Berenson said. When patients with private insurance can be treated at 50 percent to 100 percent higher fees, “then Medicare does indeed look like a poor payer,” he said.
Holy crap. The free market slaps this leftist twit right across the face to get his attention, and he still can't figure it out. He just said that Medicare underpayment was overstated - and then in the same article concedes that medicare pays only half the going rate.
This is the kind of USDA Prime-quality stupid we're up against, here. It's the think tankers at the Urban League who are coming up with these ideas and advising our dumbest members of Congress - liberals to a man - about how to structure health care reform.
It's already a disaster and they haven't even started yet.
Splash, out
Labels: health care, stupid, The Left
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
So the White House Christmas Tree features ...
Strange fruit, indeed.
Who in God's name are these people staffing the White House?
Splash, out
Labels: Mao, Obama, stupid, The Left
Let's see if we can write a story on Senator Nelson and his decisive health care vote ...
Labels: Abortion, health care, journalism, Media, Obama, Senator Ben Nelson
Reports of my death ...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! "Grim milestone!"
There are now a number of companies... private insurers... who have more in cash reserves backing their own promises than the FDIC has available to back the banking system...
While the parade of failures still represents a mere fraction of America’s small banks, it underscores a growing divide between them and large institutions like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and U.S. Bancorp, which are slowly growing stronger as the economy improves.
Leave it to the New York Times to fall for the 'rich get richer' divide. I mean, they already went for "grim milestone." Why not go whole hog for the stupidity? News flash for the Times: It's called "consolidation." Solid banks get a chance to purchase distressed assets of failing banks at a discount and thank God they do! It's good for everyone, and is saving the system from collapse right now.
Burdened by worsening commercial real estate loans, many small banks’ troubles are just beginning. Many analysts say that the now-toxic loans could sink hundreds of small lenders over the next few years and place a significant drag on the economy.
Already, the bank failures are placing enormous strain on the F.D.I.C. and its fund, which keeps depositors whole. Flush with more than $50 billion only two years ago, the fund recently fell into the red.
The prospect of more failures has led the F.D.I.C. to seek new ways to replenish the fund with higher and earlier payments by healthy banks, even after setting aside reserves for future losses.
Those commercial loans aren't turning around yet, either. And there's a new wave of ARMs due to reset soon, which should trigger a new round of foreclosures.
The initial wave of failures has also unsettled some communities, even though most of the troubled institutions have been bought by other banks rather than shuttered. While deposits are safe thanks to federal insurance, the new buyers often do not have the same ties to local businesses as the former owners.
More stupidity. Deposits are safe? Only deposits up to $250,000. And that's not really sustainable, because we upped the limit from 100k to 250k without a supporting increase in premiums. Oh, and what's this "federal insurance?" Kemosabe?
In some cases, they tighten lending and make it harder for longtime customers to obtain loans or favorable terms. In other cases, managers of the new bank make other changes, like ending offers for high-interest certificates of deposit and calling in certain lines of credit. In the longer term, some new owners are likely to close branches of the bank they have acquired in order to cut costs.
Ok, time to hit the Times reporter over the head with a clue-bat: Larger banks don't pull back on CD rates because they're out of touch with local businesses, moron. They do it because they aren't desperate and stupid. There's a reason banks offer above-market CD rates. Think about it: They are trying to raise cash in a hurry, to stave off a short-term crisis. Often it doesn't work, and the bank fails. Sometimes, the smart money sees their bank offer a significantly above-market CD rate, and they yank their money, and the bank fails as a result of what amounts to a large-depositor run on the bank. (Small depositors tend to be lazier.)
Once the bank is acquired by a healthier bank, the crisis is past, and banks no longer have a reason to offer CD rates significantly above market.
(Here's another clue: If you are looking for a good deal on a loan, don't go to the bank offering crazy-good CD rates! They're not looking to lend, and will be very picky and jack up rates to exceed their new higher cost of capital.
This calls for a song!
Labels: banking, economy, finance, New York Times
An Inconvenient Question
And the rest of the press corps does nothing.
I would not have been so polite with the organizer in the hall. Scratch a liberal, you'll find a fascist.
The fact is that the British court ruled that it would be illegal to show the film in schools in the UK without additional guidance for students correcting the nine listed errors in the film. I would have to imagine that's unprecedented, and hardly "in favor" of the film's producers. Even if they agree with the overall thesis, you cannot pull out nine egregious factual errors from any documentary, call the presentation "one-sided," issue a ruling that it would be illegal to show the film without correcting these errors, and call that a 'ruling "in favor of" the movie.
Splash, out
Hey, Jay Rosen... I got your 'rollback' strategy right here!
Labels: Al Gore, environment, global warming, Media, movies
Saturday, October 10, 2009
State Alcohol Agents Seize 924 Gallons of Moonshine in Wilkesboro, NC
Roger Lee Nance, of 1117 Shew Ridge Mission Road, was charged with possession of non-tax paid liquor, possession of non-tax-paid liquor for the purpose of selling, and possession of equipment and ingredients intended for the use in the manufacture of an alcoholic beverage.
“This is one of the biggest seizures of white liquor I’ve seen come out of the mountains in my career,” ALE Director John Ledford said in statement.
The arrest follows a two-month investigation by ALE agents, assisted by the state Highway Patrol. In addition to the liquor, large amounts of sugar and other items were seized during a search of Nance's property, authorities said.
You'd better stay away from Copperhead Road
Labels: Crime, law, Music, Steve Earle