Monday, January 21, 2008
Michael Yon Profiled in the New York Times
"He went to Iraq believing that the mainstream news media were bungling the story, and he still often criticizes the media’s pessimism."
And I criticize the media's mendacity, particularly the NYT. The MSM isn't pessimistic - they're full of hope that their treacherous campaign to poison public opinion about Iraq will result in Democratic control of the White House and Congress.
May all their ancestors be transformed into overweight belly dancers from now to eight generations back.
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And I criticize the media's mendacity, particularly the NYT. The MSM isn't pessimistic - they're full of hope that their treacherous campaign to poison public opinion about Iraq will result in Democratic control of the White House and Congress.
May all their ancestors be transformed into overweight belly dancers from now to eight generations back.