
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Compare and Contrast 
Ezra Lavant publishes some cartoons and gets hauled before the Alberta Civil Rights Commission.

Mark Steyn is being accused of a thought crime in Canada and the Canadian government is moving to silence him.

But Salman Hossain, a Bangladeshi Canadian, can call for the murder of Allied troops in the West and it's treated as "free speech."

Behold, the muddleheadedness of well-meaning, multicultural, moral relativist, nihilist liberalism progressivism gone malignant.

Liberal bureaucrats should be beheaded. There. Process THAT, leftards!

I won't be buying any Molson beer anytime soon.

Splash, out



Frightening, this reminds me of times in this union and foreign nations from 60-70 years ago.
Like you'd ever drink, let alone buy, Molson?
Well, ok, yah. Good point. It was just the only Canadian export I could think of.

Other than its people, that is.

Well, Lara St. John is still hawt.
It was just the only Canadian export I could think of.

Labatt would be another, and most of the Foster's in the USofA is brewed in Canada (under license). I don't know if any the Canadian whiskies are actually distilled there or here.
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