Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Who you gonna believe? Me?
Or your lyin' eyes???
A hush fell over the crowd as Sen. Barack Obama crossed the field, his white shirt glowing in the sun, waves of cornstalks rustling behind him.
Splash, out
A hush fell over the crowd as Sen. Barack Obama crossed the field, his white shirt glowing in the sun, waves of cornstalks rustling behind him.
Splash, out
So, what's in dispute- the white shirt, or the waves of rustling cornstalks that were probably already harvested?
Sounds like someone is pulling a 'Jason Blair on the Jessica Lynch story' - make up scenery that they expect to be there.
Like me doing a story on Mexico - 'there were a bunch of mice in sombreros, and one ran really fast...'
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Sounds like someone is pulling a 'Jason Blair on the Jessica Lynch story' - make up scenery that they expect to be there.
Like me doing a story on Mexico - 'there were a bunch of mice in sombreros, and one ran really fast...'