
Friday, October 21, 2005

Time for the left to revisit 
what they think they mean when they say "we support the troops."

From an Army journalist in the comments section here:

I go outside the wire all the time. And it's not nearly as bad as you guys are led to believe. The worst thing about it? Feeling like the American public cares nothing for you, that all you are to most people is another number to blame someone for.

Way to go lefties.

The blog post itself is a triumphal expose that one of the soldiers, a 1LT Murphy from the 278th cav, Tennessee Army National Guard, is personally pro-Bush.

So I don't get it. If he's personnally pro-Bush, and has a track record of being pro-Bush and pro-Iraqi, then that pretty much undercuts all the Democratic Underground speculation that what he has to say has been scripted. Why should you have to script someone who you already know is articulate and will agree with you anyway.

These knuckleheads don't know what they're arguing anymore.

If a soldier from the teleconference is found to have been anti-Bush in the past, the left will jump on it as evidence of scripting. If one of the soldiers has been pro-Bush in the past, it's still evidence of scripting.

What morons.

Oh, by the way, apparently, us troops are just "marionettes."

From my correspondent at The Right Side of History:
My comments and/or criticisms in this sorry episode are not directed at the troops at all. I could see why a military man like yourself might take what I said that way but the reality is they’re just doing their jobs. Attacking these soldiers would be like blaming the marionette for the dialogue. If they were “sincere” or not is beside the point. You can not possibly be suggesting that these particular soldiers could have said anything they wanted to say. I simply don’t believe it.

After all, doesn’t “G.I.” stand for “Government Issue?”

Well, pal, you seriously need to get out more.

The fact is that the entire logic of his argument relies on calling U.S. soldiers liars or stooges. That is the only thing he's got going. And it's based on sheer speculation.

Why? Because of the three soldiers who have gone public so far, all three have come out to say they were not scripted, that the ideas expressed were their own. None have come out to say they were inordinately pressured.

Soldiers have some restrictions on publicly criticizing military authority. But when the president asks you a question, the standing order is to give it to him straight, without fear or favor.

The Standing Orders of Rogers' Rangers - still read and memorized by infantrymen to this day - says "Lie all you want to other people about the Ranger. But don't never lie to another Ranger or an officer."

None of us are going to lie to the President. However much this guy wants it to be the case.

When did the Left decide that the way to support troops was to infantilize them?

Splash, out


"When did the Left decide that the way to support troops was to infantilize them?"

When the troops started saying things that cast doubt on the portrait of doom and gloom the left paints.
Here's some news form the "home front": A majority (53%) of Americans now realize that invading Iraq was the wrong thing to do, while only 34% still think it was right to invade a country that was doing nothing to provoke America. So not only has support for the war evaporated (that has been the case for a while now), now most Americans even can see what the rest of the world has known all along, that it was totally WRONG.
Far from being feared or respected, the U.S. "military" is the world's laughingstock as it hides in shellholes and calls in air support every time it encounters a handful of poorly-armed Rebels. The world says, "What a bunch of cowards".
You are risking your life for NOTHING. If you die it will be for NOTHING, a meaningless death.

In other news, two-thirds of Americans say America as a country is headed in the wrong direction and a similar number say your boss Bush is doing a pisspoor job. Hang it up. Go home.
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