
Friday, October 07, 2005

From my cold, dead hands... 
The U.S. owes it to free and to oppressed peoples all over the globe to maintain control over the Internet, and keep it out of the hands of China, North Korea, and the Arab thugocracies.

To paraphrase Bishop Desmond Tutu, the International community can go to Hell, as far as I am concerned. This same international community put Sudan at the head of the UN Human Rights Commission.

The U.S. should tell Iran and everyone else to go fuck themselves. That includes the E.U. The ONLY reason they want control is to restrict the freedom of expression of their people. There is no other possible explaination.

We developed the Internet. We don't owe "international consensus" a damn thing. They can invent their own protocols. Ours is for free people all over the globe and those who would be free, and we should NEVER budge an inch to those who would sell them out.

Splash, out


I have something to get off my chest. I figure I'll post it here, so I can find it later.

I read Bush's speech on 10/6/2005. I agreed with most of it, but, in the end I was left kind of hungry. So I visited message boards, looked at how people reacted to it.

Basically, pro-war people ate it up. Anti-war people were not convinced at all.

I think more needs to be said. Much more. I think a history lesson is in order.

Vietnam is as good a place as any to start when there's a history lesson to be told. I wasn't born when Vietnam was over and done with, and I don't want to get into many of the details, but one fact cannot be disputed by anyone is that the Vietnam War dealt a powerful blow to the US.

Reagan's rhetoric of "morning in America" worked in part because of the dark hours known as Vietnam.

Let's move on. Shortly after Vietnam, The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Now here's where I will loose a couple people: Afghanistan is to the Soviet Union as Vietnam is to America.

Obviously, there were many differences. In my opinion, Afghanistan dealt an heavier blow to the Soviet Union than Vietnam did to the US, but that is up for debate. The two main similarities are this: Vietnam was a proxy war. Russian advisors helped the North Vietnamese fight US forces. Afghanistan was also a Proxy war: American advisors helped the Mujahedeen fight Soviet forces. And relative heaviness of the blow aside, both wars dealt heavy blows to the superpower that sent troops instead of advisors.

When the Soviet Union gave up in Afghanistan, the country decended into a period of warlordism, the echo of which continues to this day. The Afghan people, sick of warlordism, gladly accepted the relative stability of the taliban.

It's hard to not feel guilty complimenting the taliban due to their current well-deserved pariah status, so let me qualify it: One a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the best, warlordism is a zero, and the taliban is like a two.

When the Soviet Union left Afghanistan, we had an opening to go to Afghanistan, and do some "nation-building". Had we done this nation building, we might have deprived bin Ladin of the resources, both physical and rhetorical, he used to attack us on 9/11.

Nation-building is hard work. I need only look to Somalia to affirm that America simply did not have the will in a pre-9/11 world to do the hard work we would have had to do in Afghanistan to give them a terror-free government.

On 9/11, we paid the price for abandoning the Afghan people to warlordism and Islamofascism. I am not saying we deserved it. I am only saying we could have prevented it. Just like how no one deserves to have their house burned down, but one can prevent their house from being burned by keeping a lawn free of fuels for a fire to use.

Now, let us examine the current situation in Iraq. Saddam provided safe havens for terror, so he had to go. This has been proven time and time again, but, is irrelevent to this history lesson. Iraq, now, rid of Saddam, is in much the same situation Afghanistan was when the Soviets left.

If we abandon Iraq, Iraq will (once again) become a safe haven for terrorists and terror financiers. Even for those who reject the plain-as-day facts that Saddam was a terror financier has got to see that Iraq will become terror's best haven if we leave now.

I hope this part of the history lesson has reached some of the anti-war crowd. Meanwhile, I two criticisms of the president to refute.

The president has been criticized for lacking a plan. This criticism is, at face value, fair, but in reality, stupid.

First, if Bush makes his "plan" public to a higher degree of detail, the insurgents, by tharting said plan, gain a propaganda victory.

Second, any "plans" the president has are pointless, because the insurgency ADAPTS. It is apt to compare Zarqawi's suicide drones to the Borg of Star Trek fame.

Third, high level visions&plans, while nice to have, simply pale in comparision to the myriad visions and plans being implemented by the US forces on the ground. Many US troops have forged unique relationships and plans with local shieks, governing councils and so on and so forth. Winning the trust of the shieks in some cases has castrated the terrorists in some areas. The shieks help build informant networks, to help US troops disrupt IED placement ops, lead US forces to weapons caches, and so on. Iraq is not a one-size-fits-all operation. There are many US soldier-diplomats, doing hard work, and innovating on the ground. The glory is theirs. Instead of laying out a high level plan, Bush should DELEGATE, and continue to praise these unorthodox heroes. He should praise them, because the media has been absolutely worthless in this department. These soldier-diplomats are a history lesson unfolding in Iraq. It is a history lesson everyone should be paying attention to.

Another criticism of the president is shifting goals in Iraq, and lying about how long it would take. This is absolutely false. Before the invasions the president said this:

March 19, 2003:

"I want Americans and all the world to know that coalition forces will make every effort to spare innocent civilians from harm. A campaign on the harsh terrain of a nation as large as California could be longer and more difficult than some predict. And helping Iraqis achieve a united, stable and free country will require our sustained commitment.

We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens, for their great civilization and for the religious faiths they practice. We have no ambition in Iraq, except to remove a threat and restore control of that country to its own people."

Anyone with an internet connection can go to whitehouse.gov and see that the Media lies: Bush has been consistent about establishing democracy in Iraq, and the difficulty of same, all along. There have been no shifts. Anyone who pushes the shifting-rationale meme lacks basic internet skills. There's another history lesson for you.
Hope this is going to the right spot.

Here, here regarding the Internet. the US invented it, developed it and out of the greatness of our hearts gave this wonderful gift to the world.

If you want to see what how capable and international body is, look no further than the Uniterd Nations. They have had a successful effort in anything they have done. Do we really want them to do what they've done to peace keeping, oil for food, etc?

The Internet is freedom and that is why the Chinese are at this minute working so hard to restrict it. That is why all oppressed nations have little or no access for their people.

If the world doesn't like it, they can go build their own net, but it is the net of freedom that will always be in demand.

BTW, love your blog and chewck it everyday for new posts. Keep up the good work.
Essentially what is under discussion is a number of technical changes. Every DNS aware network node or application (everything on the Internet uses DNS) contains references to the root DNS servers that are used to look up things when all local DNS lookups fail. What the EU wants is those IP addresses. ICANN controls them and ICANN is a US Dept. of Commerce licensee. What the EU is threatening to do is to "fork" the Internet and create alternate DNS servers to function as root.

Others have tried this before. It is a technically insane bit of work to do it. I wouldn't worry too much about the issue as a practical matter.
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