Thursday, September 29, 2005
Gail Collins Must Go
New York Times public editor Byron Calame is hammering the New York Times' useless editorial page once again.
It's pretty sad they chose to go hide behind a subscription wall so they can continue to preach unmolested to the choir rather than hold themselves accountable.
Both Calame and his predecessor hammered and hammered at the same New York Times editorial page for the exact same reason, which boils down to this: The Times editorial page is not committed to accuracy. Gail Collins is a weak leader.
If it were just one columnist that were the problem, it would be simple enough to replace that columnist. But the fact is that it's multiple columnists making multiple errors, or making the same error several times (an inflammatory allegation that goes un-fact-checked.) Maureen Dowd has already been caught multiple times using ellipses to deliberately misquote and misrepresent public figures - which should be a fireable offense in and of itself. At least, it would be if there were a shred of intellectual honesty left at that shell of an op-ed desk.
But when was the last time a Times editorialist was fired or suspended?
It's not enough to can Krugman. Krugman might actually be a good columnist if someone kept a boot planted firmly on his neck. Gail Collins should go. It's Gail Collins who has dug in her heels at - or ignored outright - every public attempt to hold the Times accountable for factual inaccuracies. It's Gail Collins who had to be browbeaten into forcing columnists to run prominent corrections when they're caught in outright falsehoods. It's Gail Collins who's forcing the Times' public editor to do her own job for her. It's Gail Collins who has presided over the descent of the Time long vaunted editorial page to an adolescent muckrake whose columnists can't craft an expository essay sufficient to pass muster with a sharp-eyed freshman composition teacher.
Gail Collins should go. And be replaced with someone dedicated to restoring the credibility of the biggest newspaper of the greatest city in the world.
Splash, out
As questions about compliance with the corrections policy for The Times’ Op-Ed columnists continue to arise, Gail Collins, editor of the editorial page, told me in an e-mail Tuesday that she will “address the issue in a forthcoming letter from the editor” in the paper.
Ms. Collins’ comment came in response to my Monday query about the handling of an error by columnist Frank Rich. That mistake has turned out to be the latest of five appearances that versions of the same “college roommates” error have made in The Times this month. While minor in normal times, the mistake has been made a total of four times by three Op-Ed columnists attacking cronyism—and once in a news article. In all five instances, Joe Allbaugh, President Bush’s 2000-campaign manager and a former head of FEMA, and Michael Brown, his successor at FEMA, were described variously as college roommates, college buddies or college friends.
In fact, the two men didn’t even attend the same college. While they have been friends for 25 years, a spokeswoman for Mr. Allbaugh said they didn’t know each other during their years at different Oklahoma colleges.
With partisan charges of cronyism hanging over the Bush administration’s handling of hurricanes, of course, it’s not surprising that the college roommates description seems to have become more sensitive. The Los Angeles Times is one major newspaper that has already corrected an Op-Ed writer’s use of the erroneous “college buddy” description.
It's pretty sad they chose to go hide behind a subscription wall so they can continue to preach unmolested to the choir rather than hold themselves accountable.
Both Calame and his predecessor hammered and hammered at the same New York Times editorial page for the exact same reason, which boils down to this: The Times editorial page is not committed to accuracy. Gail Collins is a weak leader.
If it were just one columnist that were the problem, it would be simple enough to replace that columnist. But the fact is that it's multiple columnists making multiple errors, or making the same error several times (an inflammatory allegation that goes un-fact-checked.) Maureen Dowd has already been caught multiple times using ellipses to deliberately misquote and misrepresent public figures - which should be a fireable offense in and of itself. At least, it would be if there were a shred of intellectual honesty left at that shell of an op-ed desk.
But when was the last time a Times editorialist was fired or suspended?
It's not enough to can Krugman. Krugman might actually be a good columnist if someone kept a boot planted firmly on his neck. Gail Collins should go. It's Gail Collins who has dug in her heels at - or ignored outright - every public attempt to hold the Times accountable for factual inaccuracies. It's Gail Collins who had to be browbeaten into forcing columnists to run prominent corrections when they're caught in outright falsehoods. It's Gail Collins who's forcing the Times' public editor to do her own job for her. It's Gail Collins who has presided over the descent of the Time long vaunted editorial page to an adolescent muckrake whose columnists can't craft an expository essay sufficient to pass muster with a sharp-eyed freshman composition teacher.
Gail Collins should go. And be replaced with someone dedicated to restoring the credibility of the biggest newspaper of the greatest city in the world.
Splash, out
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