
Thursday, April 28, 2005

What do you have to do to qualify for the term "terrorist?" 
From CBS News:
An Iraqi legislator was shot and killed by militants who stormed into her house in a middle class neighborhood in eastern Baghdad, underscoring fears that the political impasse has emboldened insurgents to step up deadly attacks in recent weeks, after a lull following the Jan. 30 elections.

Lamia Abed Khadouri al-Sakri, who was elected to the National Assembly on the ticket of Allawi's Iraqi List party, was shot and killed by militants in her house in Baghdad's Hay Aur neighborhood, police Capt. Ali al-Obeidi said.

She was the first member of the parliament elected on Jan. 30 to be slain by insurgents as they target senior lawmakers and Iraqi politicians in a bid to further destabilize reconstruction efforts in the country.

Militants? Insurgents? This woman was a democratically elected representative of the people of Iraq, gunned down in cold blood in her own home. She was in no way a military target. Her death had no military value.

Why are these reporters and editors so scared of calling it what it is? There is no way that these real-life orcs who murdered her can be described as anything other than terrorists.

Splash, out


Let me start right off by saying I think the killers are definitely criminals and I wouldn't be upset if they found themselves on the wrong end of a JDAM's flight path. The problem occurs when they are captured alive.

My question is, are political targets considered valid targets in times of war? That Mrs. al-Sakri was democratically elected holds no weight with Baathists and/or militant Islamic as they don't believe democracy is a valid form of government. I'm sure they considered her a traitor to her people's best interests. Given that military action is an extension of political action and that in a democracy the elected officials are in fact the military leadership, aren't civilian leaders valid targets? (I'm not sure if this is actually the case yet in Iraq or not considering the US's current role in guiding the ING.) The US military air war against Iraqi command and control assets no doubt included attacks on civilian ministries and infilstructure. I also understand that Mrs. al-Sakri's position didn't have much direct influence over the day-to-day runings of the Iraqi government. But didn't the US also run similiar assassination campaigns against local civilian communist leaders in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam war? What is the current US Army take on this? Clearly these people are the enemy but what is the legal distinction between political assassins, terrorists (e.i someone who bombs a mosque filled with civilians) and insurgents who only attacks military targets? How does this effect their status as EPW, enemy combatants or whatever? It seems like things have been getting very sloppy in this department and have contributed to the environment that made the Abu Ghraib prison scandal possible.
The difference between a terrorist and an insurgent is this: An insurgent (like the American, Israeli and Nepali rebels) focuses on military targets while a terrorist will focus on primarily civilian targets (and occasionally a military one as well).

The fact that many people do not get this is very, very sad.
Yes, but there is an interface point between civilian and military which is not always clear. The world is not black and white. Recognizing this and coming to terms with it is going to of the utmost importance in 21st century warfare. I'm interested in hearing an informed military opinion on this one. This fact that many people do not get this is very, very dangerous.
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