Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Background on the UNC Lawsuit
A reader emails in some background on the lawsuit filed against the University of North Carolina by some Christian students objecting to a requirement to read books portraying Islam in a positive light:
Some background you may have missed on the UNC/Quran required reading post.
Ok, that would mitigate the case somewhat.
But the UNC is not obligated to portray Islam in either a positive, nor negative light - nor do its professors need to conform to any set standard regarding how Islam may be portrayed.
Christians have been candy coating and glorifying the Crusades for centuries. They even have events like Billy Graham's Crusade, and Campus Crusade for Christ.
Sure, time heals all wounds. But most Jesusland residents do not have a clue that the Crusades were among the most singularly cruel and violent events in Western History. Armies marching through Eastern Europe on their way to the Holy Land would routinely merrily engage in Pogroms, and crucify Jewish children for sport.
And that was before they even got to the Muslim lands.
Christianity forgets. But Jews and Muslims remember - and tremble!
Again, one cannot understand the Middle East and Islamic society without first understanding this dynamic.
Indeed, one cannot even fully understand why moderate Jews feel uncomfortable with a Nativity display on public land, without some understanding of the cultural memories underlying the issue.
So maybe a text on Christianity would be warranted.
But it wouldn't neccessarily make these kids happy, either.
Would THAT requirement be subject to a discrimination lawsuit, too?
Uncomfortable texts do not discrimination make.
Splash, out
Some background you may have missed on the UNC/Quran required reading post.
The requirement was several years ago, not current, and-as I understand it- was not to read the Quran but instead a book on Islam & the Quran which left out many-shall we say- objectionable & questionable teachings of both in order to portray it as a religion of peace void of any negative intonations. UNC requires incoming freshmen to read a book for freshman "orientation" (& indoctrination) purposes every academic year. For years these requirements have had a very liberal bent. Now, UNC is supposed to be the university of the people, and the people of NC are not very liberal, in fact rather red/conservative. The complaint of the students was that the required reading would not include the questionable and quite negative aspects of the Quran, and the followon "orientation" discussions would not allow open challenges to the book or the liberal image of Islam. These concerns were the product of a series of required books for freshman that told only 1 side of the world's story--the liberal side. There were never any counterbalancing requirements for freshmen on the opposing end of the spectrum.
It was suggested that in fairness, the next class be required to read a similar work on Christianity. The university elites went ballistic, and you know how far that got, and there were fears the ACLU would get involved if such a book was required. I believe this is where the discrimination piece came into play--you can require students to read about Islam but not about Christianity.
To be honest, I don't really recall all the specifics of the issue, but I do know there was more to it than just an immature student whining. Thought you would like to hear some of the other side of that coin.
Ok, that would mitigate the case somewhat.
But the UNC is not obligated to portray Islam in either a positive, nor negative light - nor do its professors need to conform to any set standard regarding how Islam may be portrayed.
Christians have been candy coating and glorifying the Crusades for centuries. They even have events like Billy Graham's Crusade, and Campus Crusade for Christ.
Sure, time heals all wounds. But most Jesusland residents do not have a clue that the Crusades were among the most singularly cruel and violent events in Western History. Armies marching through Eastern Europe on their way to the Holy Land would routinely merrily engage in Pogroms, and crucify Jewish children for sport.
And that was before they even got to the Muslim lands.
Christianity forgets. But Jews and Muslims remember - and tremble!
Again, one cannot understand the Middle East and Islamic society without first understanding this dynamic.
Indeed, one cannot even fully understand why moderate Jews feel uncomfortable with a Nativity display on public land, without some understanding of the cultural memories underlying the issue.
So maybe a text on Christianity would be warranted.
But it wouldn't neccessarily make these kids happy, either.
Would THAT requirement be subject to a discrimination lawsuit, too?
Uncomfortable texts do not discrimination make.
Splash, out
I think you're missing the point. The students were being required to read a text concerning a religion, yet there was no similar requirement to read texts concerning other religions. Of course uncomfortable texts do not constitute discrimination, and of course one should make every effort to broaden their horizons, but forcing one view upon them without even permitting exposure to other views is discrimination.
Isn't this precisely what the madrassas do?
Isn't this precisely what the madrassas do?
I don't get it: Assigning a book on one extremely important religion somehow obligates the University to assign books on all of them?
Yes times does heal. But let us not forget that each and every culture has enslaved, and made war. There is not a single culture on this great planet that has not raped, pillageg, burned, looted, and conguered in the name of their god(s). To disregard that is to disregard those histories.
The point I think is simple, in this age of freedoms, and the protections of should not allow one group a voice while simultaneously removing another. Personnally I am not a practicing Christian...though raised in Louisiana I was brought up one...I do still however feel the need to defend I do anything.
It never fails, when the question is brought up made up religions do get their way, Muslims and Jews are protected...but not Christianity. And the danger there is simple as well...this country was founded by Christians. was not the rosey red history they teach on Thanksgiving day...but it was founded by is evident in our Government documents. Yet Christianity does not have an equal voice. And the reason is simple...Christians are in the Majority and everyone knows that the minority always gets their way.
As far as UNC...well...if you are going to make it required should pick a book that is fair and balanced. Their's is not. It does not do any good to teach one side of a story...especially when we all know there is more than three.
The point I think is simple, in this age of freedoms, and the protections of should not allow one group a voice while simultaneously removing another. Personnally I am not a practicing Christian...though raised in Louisiana I was brought up one...I do still however feel the need to defend I do anything.
It never fails, when the question is brought up made up religions do get their way, Muslims and Jews are protected...but not Christianity. And the danger there is simple as well...this country was founded by Christians. was not the rosey red history they teach on Thanksgiving day...but it was founded by is evident in our Government documents. Yet Christianity does not have an equal voice. And the reason is simple...Christians are in the Majority and everyone knows that the minority always gets their way.
As far as UNC...well...if you are going to make it required should pick a book that is fair and balanced. Their's is not. It does not do any good to teach one side of a story...especially when we all know there is more than three.
Our college religion studies book from this year brought up Christianity only as an example of negatives. Never once did it point out any positive aspects like it did other religions, even though tolerance, forgiveness and etc. are central to the teachings of the Bible.
A survey would show a liberal slant in nearly all college textbooks (check out art history) so it is just the nature of the beast. If there is danger to Christians it is because their religious leaders let them down: Even Jesus was tempted. Let their clergy get with the program instead of dealing with prolems a hundred years old.
A survey would show a liberal slant in nearly all college textbooks (check out art history) so it is just the nature of the beast. If there is danger to Christians it is because their religious leaders let them down: Even Jesus was tempted. Let their clergy get with the program instead of dealing with prolems a hundred years old.
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