
Wednesday, August 04, 2004

What's Your Ethical Suribachi? 
I beat up on the financial services industry quite a bit. Because too often, it's proven itself to be an ethics-free zone: an industry which actually embraces as the norm conflicts which would be considered anathema in almost any other profession. An industry in which a single company can be fined billions of dollars for unethical sales practices multiple times, and yet continue to do business, and even thrive.

Which is why it's refreshing to come across this exerpt from an email sent by Schwab CE0 David Pottruck to every employee in his organization.

“The other issue we have been researching is late trading and we have found a limited number of trades that may have been entered or processed after the 4:00 pm deadline. Most of these trades were received on time but for one reason or another had an adjustment or substitution after the deadline in a manner that may have been contrary to company policy. We believe that our culture - with so much emphasis on client service - could have influenced our employees in doing these substitutions since none of our employees earn commission payments on these trades. But let's be absolutely clear, client service cannot be an excuse for not following industry regulations.

Our research is still a work in progress. In the millions of trades we have processed over 99.99% appear to be fine. Right now there are 18 problematic trades but that number will change as our research continues. Some might consider 18, 180, or even 1800 problem trades out of 33 million as a tolerable failure rate in a process combining people and technology. But in a firm where our ethics and our values are a huge reason why you work here, no failure rate, even .0001%, can be tolerated. We must strive to do better. We must strive for perfection.

Before we finish, I'd like to share with you the conclusions Chuck, the Executive Committee, and I have reached.

As a firm, our moral compass is strong and continues to guide us. But even among 16,000 employees, all of us must know and follow the rules. Client service is not an acceptable excuse for failing to follow industry regulations that are clear. Our oversight systems cannot be content with 99.99%. We need perfection.

This has been a daunting task... we are a firm with over $350 billion of mutual fund assets, thousands of employees, and millions of transactions to examine. We are grateful for the enormous effort extended by the research team. We are also grateful that every one of our employees is driven by our vision to be the most useful and ethical financial services firm in the world. This certainly includes a never-ending commitment to be within the letter, and especially the spirit, of the industry laws and regulations. That's the foundation as we strive each day to be worthy of our clients' trust.”

Awesome. The troops are hearing the law, they're hearing the standard, and they're hearing it straight from "The Six."

Pottruck's not leaving it to the compliance people. He's out ahead of the compliance people, and expects his crew to be, too.

You bosses, out there--when was the last time you cut through the levels of heierarchy, and made it crystal clear to everyone in the organization exactly where you stand?

Think such a practice might have helped General Karpinski? Think it might have helped Private Lynndie England?

Think it might have helped the Iraqi people and the U.S. alike?

You never know what you might have prevented, and what the consequences could have been had you not charged up ahead of your troops and planted your flag on the ethical Mount Suribachi.

Everyone's ethical Suribachi is different. For Karpinski, her ethical Suribachi was the dignity and well-being of detainees. Unfortunately, she didn't realize it until it was too late. For an investment company CEO, the ethical Suribachi may be trading violations or unethical sales practices.

No leader is worth a damn, though, unless he's got a Suribachi of his own, and he's willing to fall on his own sword for it. Unless he's willing to give it all up on a point of honor. And challenge others to do the same.

What's your Suribachi?

Splash, out


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