
Monday, August 30, 2004

Naked Boys Dancing! Or: Is There No End to Lefty Stupidity? 
Apparently not.

Convention officials arranged discounts for conventioneers to a variety of New York attractions, such as Broadway and off-Broadway shows.

Well, it came to pass that one such show happened to be entitled "Naked Boys Singing!"

Well, when convention officials realized what they had done, they took the show off of the website and off of the list of offered discounts, quite reasonably feeling the show was "inappropriate."

And the reaction from the show's producers?

"We feel we're being discriminated against and feel we're being censored," says producer Carl D. White, as quoted in an article on a gay issues website called Planet Out.These idiots have no idea what censorship is. No one is trying to shut the show down. It's astounding to me that there are still people out there who believe that the First Amendment requires people to actually pay attention to them.

The decision to go elsewhere for a show is not censorship. It is part and parcel of the exercise of freedom.

I can't believe that New York area schools are churning out a bunch of spoiled children who haven't figured that out.

Splash, out

(no pun intended)


the real studity is poor (ie not so rich you don't ever have to have a job) people like yourself backing a party engineered by the rich.
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