
Friday, July 09, 2004

The Text of Bremer's Address to the Iraqi People 
Here's the text of the videotaped address to the Iraqi people. That's right, the one the pseudojournalists at the Los Angeles Times and the one the normally pretty good journalists at the Washington Post said never happened:

The future of Iraq belongs to you, the Iraqi people. We and your other friends will help, but we can only help. You must do the real work.

The Iraq your children and their children inherit will depend on your actions in the months and years ahead. You Iraqis must now take responsibility for your future of hope. You can create that future of hope by standing fast against those who kill your police and soldiers, who kill your women and children, who wreck Iraq's pipelines and power lines, and then claim to be your champions.

You can create that future of hope by supporting your government and the elections they are pledged to bring you. You can create that future of hope in a thousand different ways by sharing through your words and deeds a personal commitment to a stable and peaceful Iraq.

Yep: CNN had a transcript up six full days before the LA Times blew their front page.

Score another one for us "Digital Brownshirts."

(Although I've always considered myself more of a Black and Tan.)

Splash, out


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