
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Pseudojournalism at the Los Angeles Times 
Here's the LA Times, on 9/11 commissioners' appearances on "Meet the Press" and "This Week with George Stephanopolous:"

Commission members Sunday repeated that they did not see evidence of collaboration between Al Qaeda and Iraq.

Here's an excerpt from the transcript of Commissioner Lehman's appearance on "Meet the Press:"

The Clinton administration portrayed the relationship between al- Qaeda and Saddam's intelligence services as one of cooperating in weapons development. There's abundant evidence of that. In fact, as you'll soon hear from Joe Klein, President Clinton justified his strike on the Sudan "pharmaceutical" site because it was thought to be manufacturing VX gas with the help of the Iraqi intelligence service.
Since then, that's been validated. There has been traces of Empta that comes straight from Iraq, and this confounds the Republicans, who accused Clinton of doing it for political purposes. But it confirms the cooperative relationship, which were the words of the Clinton administration, between al-Qaeda and Iraqi intelligence.

(emphasis added)

Ok, so a 9/11 commissioner confirms that Iraq and al Qaeda were collaborating on weapons development, and the LA Times perverts that into the exact opposite.

How thickheaded can these people be?

The performance of our nation's media has just been shameful.

Splash, out


(and thanks to Oh, That Liberal Media for the catch.)

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