
Friday, May 28, 2004

Meatgrinder Metrics: A Brief Look at Body Counts 
The next time you see a news outlet cite www.iraqbodycount.net, keep in mind that while the Iraq Body Count site is counting a minimum figure of 9,187 Iraqi deaths as a result of the intervention in Iraq, the Brookings Institute counts 1,611 Iraqi civilians killed "as a result of acts of war," through April 30th. (Scroll down to page 5).

The difference is obviously radical.

The Brookings estimate smells low to me--especially since an Associated Press survey documented 3,240 Iraqi civilian deaths between March 20 and April 20, 2003, and concludes the real total is much higher.

What a difference a methodology makes. The Brookings Institution works hard to exclude crime victims. They are accounted for elsewhere in its report.

The Brookings institute also estimates 819 deaths from mass casualty bombings. Don't know if they're double counted in their tally of 'civilian deaths from acts of war' or accounted for separately.

Nevertheless, there remains a huge discrepency between the Brookings and IBC tallies, which should be reported on.

Splash, out


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